Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bittersweet Interlude

Due to an extended family crisis, I currently only have brief interludes available for making new photographs. I will share these on an intermittant basis as time allows. This one was taken last week of the bittersweet berries that invade the area along the driveway. It captures what is, at the moment, a truly bittersweet interlude in my life. Enjoy it for however it speaks to you!
Bittersweet Interlude

You may view my other work by viewing my website here


  1. Very pretty Jean. I hope your situation gets a little sweeter and a little less bitter. ((hugs))

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna Soffia! Hope the weather up there isn't TOO cold yet...

  3. Stay 'focused' on the sweet and the bitter will be far more 'palatable' <3
