Monday, July 22, 2013

Why Beacon of Light for a Name?

[Update January 6, 2015:  This post reflects the name of my original shop, not the name I am currently using. However, it does have quite a bit to say about my work and how I approach it so I decided not to remove it.]

Welcome to my photography blog!

As I started to think about opening a shop on to grow my photography beyond an existing local audience, I realized my first problem was coming up with a name for my etsy shop! I wanted it to reflect the basic characteristics of the strongest photographic work I have done so far.

Photography is sometimes called "painting with light." That was important to include.

Others have called much of my work serene and peaceful. That was important to include.

The lighthouse at Portland Headlight invigorates my soul and is my favorite place to photograph. That was important to include.

Also, lighthouses are the tradtional guide during a storm and my life has had its share of storms that photgraphy brings me out of. That was important to include.

But, most of all, for me, photography is almost a meditation, and it certainly is a spiritual path. That was important to include.

Yet how to incorporate all these qualities in a simple, easy to remember name? Beacon of Light was born! I also knew I had a photo that would add to the entire concept -- and so my etsy shop was ready to get off the ground!

Beacon of Light is now operating and you will be taken directly to it by clicking this link:

You can also see more of my work on my main website by clicking this:

I welcome your response to my photographs or to my etsy shop. Add your comments below.


  1. Great work, Jean. Congratulations on your blog! I will visit often to see your photographs. You can see my photos at which will lead you to my Etsy shop. Nancy of

  2. Thanks, Nancy! I'm off to your blog now!
