Friday, July 26, 2013

One of My Very Favorite Personal Photos

Today's weather here in Connecticut has been as close to the relief of winter that we are likely to get in the middle of summer -- a cool 61 degrees F as I write this at 1:30 AM. For a native Mainer like me, it's weather I can actually move around in instead of the sluggishness of all the heat we've had lately. In fact, it's almost as good as being in Maine in the summer time! Made me want to look again at some of my photos from Portland Headlight, that famous lighthouse that is actually located in Cape Elizabeth, ME (but it stands at the head of Portland Harbor and, hence, its name). This one is one of my all time favorites as it reminds me of the many years spent on Maine's rocky coast and how I loved to climb on similar rocks. Check out the couple sitting at the top of the rocks on the right hand side -- and the ship just barely visible in the distance on the left hand horizon.
This one is not yet available in my etsy shop -- if you would like it to be, add a comment below this.


  1. Looking at that I can smell the ocean and hear the sea gulls.

  2. Reminds me of my favorite place Bass Rocks a little bit south from your picture.

    1. Thanks Doug! Portland Headlight, which is located out of the frame and to the left of this scene, is my favorite place in the world.
