Thursday, November 28, 2013

If You are Thankful this Holiday Season...

As we all enjoy Thanksgiving here in the USA and prepare for the holiday season ahead, please take a moment after giving thanks for what you have to remember those who have not. Specifically, check out this link from the organization my son volunteers with in Zambia, Africa, where even a $10 (tax deductible in the USA and the UK) donation can make a difference to many:

Getting Water the Old Fashioned Way (iPhone photo by Rulon Henderson)
Always good with the kids, Rulon hangs out with the young ones in
a local village where a mobile health clinic is taking place.
My son wrote in an email announcing On Call Africa's current fundraising effort, "Please, feel free to share this with your friends, family & co-workers! Any amount helps, it's shocking how little can go so far here in terms of treating our patients, the majority of which are in incredibly tough to reach areas and have little to no access to healthcare or transportation-- often relying on 'traditional healers' (basically modern day snake-oil salesman) claiming to have cures for any ailment, including HIV & cancer (of course for a fee which we all know is B.S.).

"Thanks for taking the time to check us out!"

I am still struck by my son's report of a woman who was carried by her family to the first mobile clinic he went on last May. He told of a woman who had just given birth. Not only did she have a serious infection as a result of the birth, but Rulon was charged with driving her -- an IV in place -- and her family for hours from the mobile clinic to the nearest regular clinic with instructions from the On Call Africa volunteer doctors that she be transferred to the nearest hospital (located even more hours away) to prevent her death. Two weeks later, when the On Call Africa doctors checked in with that other clinic, the woman was still there and had not been transferred to the hospital. The doctors insisted that she be sent. Days later, on the mobile clinic's return to their home base in Livingstone, Zambia, they did see the ambulance that was finally transporting her to the hospital. 

Even though my income is only Social Security, I plan to make a recurring $10 a month donation to this most worthy cause located in a country with some of the most beautiful scenery on earth but with only 1 doctor for every 14,000 people! I invite you to do the same -- or to better my contribution!

UPDATE JANUARY 5, 2014: Due to the number of you generous donors, On Call Africa secured a permanent place on the Global Giving website. Thank you one and all!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bittersweet Interlude

Due to an extended family crisis, I currently only have brief interludes available for making new photographs. I will share these on an intermittant basis as time allows. This one was taken last week of the bittersweet berries that invade the area along the driveway. It captures what is, at the moment, a truly bittersweet interlude in my life. Enjoy it for however it speaks to you!
Bittersweet Interlude

You may view my other work by viewing my website here