Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Let Lonnie's Light Shine on Dec. 14th at 7PM

Scenes from Lonnie's world:
Quickly loved by all he met

Surrounded by the children he loved to make silly faces with

On a lion walk with Ellyn on his first trip to Zambia

He even made friends on the side of the road...

...and with the kids, too

With Ellyn in Zambia

In front of the temple at Abu Simbel built by Ramses II

Ready to roll....

He made friends everywhere he went

He'd make friends before hitting the check out location, too

The proverbial "selfie with feet" pic from his various travels

He loved the incredible skies of Africa

Invite to Lonnie Henderson's Family and Friends across the globe to light a candle in memory of him on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 7PM (whenever that reaches your time zone). Leave the candle lit for one hour. This will create a "wave" of light across the world. This will also be the 2 month anniversary of his death.

This is part of the annual World Wide Candle Lighting event sponsored by Compassionate Friends, a self help group for families who have children who have died too soon -- "that their light may always shine." Help to make Lonnie's light shine in a special way on this day and time!